I am Martin Geuzendam (1977), born in a (tiny) city called ‘Rijssen’ in the east of the Netherlands (Overijssel). Right now
I live and work in Deventer in a nice artstudio at my home. I’ve done the Academy of Fine Arts in Enschede (called ‘AKI’,
now “ArtEZ”) and graduaded on ‘Monumental Arts’ (Bachelor). As you can see I make drawings, paintings, sculptures,
etc. as far as my arts concerned.
Often people ask me, looking at the ‘religious’ outlook of many of my works “what” I “am”. Intriguing question. I don’t like labeling, I just don’t
believe in such thing... That said, my inspiration and interest lays in the wealth of the spiritual tradition of Judaism with Moshiakh and Torah
at it’s very centre. But clearly not exclusively. Aside from spiritual traditions like that of Buddhism, I am genuinely interested in the diverse
expressions throughout mankind of its understanding and relating to being “confronted” with the wondrous, paradoxical mystery called life.
Besides making artwork, I also make cartoons and caricatures and give lessons & workshops in drawing cartoons for kids and do
‘Creative noons’ for the youngest kids (see my website: www.Kikajon.nl, Dutch) at 'Artzilut', a simple artgallery in the city-centre. I’ve given
workshops for mentally disabled (“limited”) kids and adults, and am about to do such more soon.
I’ve been organisor of a yearly Art Fair (www.DeventerKunstmarkt.com, Dutch) for fine-artists from all over the Netherlands and some
participants beyond (Germany, Belgium, France, Russia, etc.). In a basilica (the ‘Lebuinuskerk’) in my home-town. I’ve been happy to see
over 3-4 thousand visitors each year.
I like writing poetry (which I do way too less) as well. I made a small book with a “poetry-story” called “De Ijverige Liefde” (“Zealous Love”,
on the Unification of Man and Woman in the Oneness Human”). Right now I am more interested in sharing my thoughts by writing articles.
I did so several years ago, for myself, and never shared them in public. On my (new) blog (www.arthekhal.com) they are (soon) to be found.
Since many years, around my 18th, I’m pretty much ‘socially active’. Spirituality (a nice term to investigate some more) I believe becomes
valuable when a connection is made with(in) everyday life, when things are brought to its essence and to a purpose through action (deeds).
When we understand that nothing in this world is without value and meaning. Everyday life, I believe, needs to be ‘uplifted’, ‘sanctified’; bringing
it closer to its purpose; closer to its Source “Above”. This is also called ‘Tikkun Olam’ (םלוע תיקון) the ‘Healing and restoring of the World’.
‘Healing’ as ‘making whole’ again. Which covers our entire life, every aspect and moment as each of us is a world in itself being fully inclusive
in approach. That may sound as some grandiose, out of reach, goal. But it’s within every deed and choice we make, in the very way we relate.
I've been an active participant in, and often co-initiator of, several projects and initiatives like, to name a few, “Hart voor Elkaar” (“Heart for
eachother”, to ensure mutual respect and understanding between people of differing cultures and/or backgrounds), “Stichting Volkspeilingen
Deventer” (“People's Polls foundation”, which is formed to fill the gap between (local) politicians and citizens, by means of polling and informing,
and to offer ‘alternative’ ideas for activities to make people become engaged with the society they are part of, to make a change for the better).
From 1999 I’ve been active in the Dutch (local and national) ‘squatting movement’, in which my spirituality encompanies me in everything I do
and say. Most of my ‘social activities’ have been directed to homelessness. With a group of socially engaged people, we have set up a
‘Self-managing Shelter’ called Opvang in Zelfbeheer 'Boompje-Beestje' (www.Boompje-Beestje.nl, Dutch), after we squatted a part of a
hospital, vacant for several years, and on the list to be demolished. Around 2001 together with a group of people we occupied a former café
that was left vacant, also to be demolished. Several asylum seeking immigrants, including families, being illegalized by the Dutch government
found shelter there after they have been kicked on the streets with their children. Members of churches, including a pastor where directly
participating in this, as were others, like people from the direct neighbourhood whom helped cleaning and bringing stuff that was needed.
Together with people from around the Netherlands and with the Counsil of Churches in Deventer I worked to prevent the Dutch anti-squatting
bill (which sadly passed through anyway, and came in effect in october 2010). Though not being specifically political by nature, I have been
supporting a new local political party in 2014 called “Jij Bent Deventer” (www.jijbentdeventer.nl, Dutch) that seeks to be bridging in its approach,
reaching out beyond the party political. Trying to pragmatically connect the situation as is, in the midst of the transitory process wherein we live
(locally and globally) with a long-term vision to (seek to) get to a healthy relationship between society and government policy, wherein the
people’s direct influence, qualities and Initiative are encouraged and emphasized.
Several years ago I’ve done gigs as ‘singjay/MC’ with two DJ’s in a reggae soundsystem, as well as jamming with many different musicians
and occassionally doing some recordings at producer Asher-E’s studio. Things I miss doing.
Yet, does the above really say that much about me? However accurate the information, I actually don’t believe so... It
says something. Yet, just very partly. Let me direct you back to the ‘Biographics’ page of this site so I can explain you a
little more why.